Table of Contents

Enum UserProperties

public enum UserProperties


ActiveDeveloper = 4194304

Flag given to users that are active developers.

BotHTTPInteractions = 524288

Flag given to bots that use only outgoing webhooks, exclusively.

BugHunterLevel1 = 8

Flag given to users who have participated in the bug report program and are level 1.

BugHunterLevel2 = 16384

Flag given to users who have participated in the bug report program and are level 2.

DiscordCertifiedModerator = 262144

Flag given to users that are discord certified moderators who has give discord's exam.

EarlySupporter = 512

Flag given to users who subscribed to Nitro before games were added.

EarlyVerifiedBotDeveloper = 131072

Flag given to users that developed bots and early verified their accounts.

HypeSquadBalance = 256

Flag given to users who are in the HypeSquad House of Balance.

HypeSquadBravery = 64

Flag given to users who are in the HypeSquad House of Bravery.

HypeSquadBrilliance = 128

Flag given to users who are in the HypeSquad House of Brilliance.

HypeSquadEvents = 4

Flag given to users in HypeSquad events.

None = 0

Default value for flags, when none are given to an account.

Partner = 2

Flag given to users who are owners of a partnered Discord server.

Staff = 1

Flag given to users who are a Discord employee.

System = 4096

Flag given to users who represent Discord (System).

TeamUser = 1024

Flag given to users who are part of a team.

VerifiedBot = 65536

Flag given to users who are verified bots.