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Enum VoiceCloseCode


Represents generic op codes for voice disconnect.

public enum VoiceCloseCode


AlreadyAuthenticated = 4005

You sent more than one identify payload. Stahp.

AuthenticationFailed = 4004

The token you sent in your identify payload is incorrect.

DecodeFailure = 4002

You sent an invalid payload in your identifying to the Gateway.

Disconnected = 4014

Channel was deleted, you were kicked, voice server changed, or the main gateway session was dropped. Should not reconnect.

NotAuthenticated = 4003

You sent a payload before identifying with the Gateway.

ServerNotFound = 4011

We can't find the server you're trying to connect to.

SessionNolongerValid = 4006

Your session is no longer valid.

SessionTimeout = 4009

Your session has timed out.

UnknownEncryptionMode = 4016

We didn't recognize your encryption.

UnknownOpcode = 4001

You sent an invalid opcode.

UnknownProtocol = 4012

We didn't recognize the protocol you sent.

VoiceServerCrashed = 4015

The server crashed. Our bad! Try resuming.